This post is a little different, a little fun, and hopefully at least a little bit helpful. I’m going to share with you a few of my most favorite purchases this year. You may decide you want or need some of these items, too, or perhaps you’re still frantically looking for that perfect gift for someone on your Christmas gift list. If you have Amazon Prime, you still have time to order gifts and get them in time for Christmas!
Tag: Holidays
Does the Christmas Grinch threaten to steal your joy during the Christmas season? If so, there is hope!
The signs that Christmas is coming soon are all around us now. Christmas music follows us everywhere we go. Decorations line the streets and cover homes and lawns. People scurry around in stores agonizing over what gifts to buy. And the mail carrier is getting later every day as the volume of Christmas mail grows more abundant.
You may be delighting in it all or trying to ignore it all. Either way, you aren’t alone.