I’ve always been a night owl. But lately, my body seems to have taken that tendency to an extreme. It’s not unusual for me to see three, four, even five o’clock on my alarm clock before I finally drift off to sleep.

I know it comes with the stage of life I’m in. My mother went through it, too, so I know that eventually this stage will pass. But until then, what do I do during all those hours I can’t sleep?

Sometimes I get so restless I turn the light on and read. Other times, especially when someone I love is going through something difficult or needs guidance or provision of some kind, I pray for them. If sleep still won’t come, I pray for everyone I can think of, as well as myself, until I finally drift off to sleep.

Recently when I couldn’t sleep, I stumbled upon something else that I think will become my favorite sleepless activity. Deciding to read, I opened a book on biblical meditation on the Kindle app on my phone, and this Scripture verse jumped off the page at me:

My eyes stay open through the watches of the night,
that I may meditate on your promises.

Psalm 119:148 NIV

I’m not exactly sure whether the Psalmist intentionally stayed awake in order to meditate on God’s promises, or whether he simply recognized the opportunity of sleepless nights to recall the many promises God has given us.

Either way, I thought it was a wonderful idea. I laid my phone down, turned off the light, and started praying:

“Lord, I thank you that you are always with me. You’ve said that you would never leave me nor forsake me. You’ve promised to take care of me, to provide for me. You will guide me always and give me wisdom when I lack it. You’ll go before me and make the crooked ways straight. You will give me strength. You will give me rest. And You will work everything together for good.”

I don’t remember recalling many more promises than those, and I was soon fast asleep. Time to get up came way too quickly, but I woke with a peaceful, positive outlook for a new day.

Bible Promise Books

God Says Yes to Over 3000 Promises: For no matter how many promises God has made, they are yes in ChristGod Says Yes to Over 3000 Promises: For no matter how many promises God has made, they are yes in ChristGod Says Yes to Over 3000 Promises: For no matter how many promises God has made, they are yes in ChristGod's Promises for Your Every NeedGod’s Promises for Your Every NeedGod's Promises for Your Every NeedPrayerPoints: Praying God's Promises at Your Point of NeedPrayerPoints: Praying God’s Promises at Your Point of NeedPrayerPoints: Praying God's Promises at Your Point of NeedGod's Promises for Your Every Need, NKJVGod’s Promises for Your Every Need, NKJVGod's Promises for Your Every Need, NKJVGod's Promises for Your Life: New International VersionGod’s Promises for Your Life: New International VersionGod's Promises for Your Life: New International VersionGod's Promises Every Day: 365-Day DevotionalGod’s Promises Every Day: 365-Day DevotionalGod's Promises Every Day: 365-Day Devotional