Writing at the Intersection of Life & Grace

Tag: What the Bible says about …

What the Bible says about God's love for us

What the Bible Says About God’s Love for Us

My relatively new practice of meditating on God’s promises when I can’t sleep led me the other night to wonder what all the Bible has to say about God’s love for us. The only verse I could recall in my half-awake state was John 3:16, but I knew there were many more.

The next morning, I went to Biblegateway.com and typed “love” into their search engine. The following are the many verses I found that describe God’s love for us. My prayer is that as you read through them you will see God’s heart and the amazing love He has for you, His beloved.

What the Bible says about self-love

What the Bible Says About Self-love

If you follow any of the current self-help influencers these days, you’ve likely come across the concept of self-love. And, if you’re anything like me, at least part of you has recoiled at the idea. It seems rather unChristian, for lack of a better term. After all, my godly parents and the many Sunday School lessons I had as a child taught me to love others and to be unselfish. Self-love sounds like just the opposite of either of those and not like something the Bible would teach. Its connotation smacks of narcissism, certainly not something I aspire to!

What the Bible says about life purpose

What the Bible Says About Life Purpose

With so much emphasis on finding your life purpose or mission in life, have you ever wondered what the Bible has to say about life purpose? It turns out God has plenty to say in Scripture about His purpose and plan for each person. Not only that, He tells us in His Word that He directs us to walk in that purpose and equips us for all we need to live it!

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