God seems to speak to me in themes, getting my attention by repeating the same concepts in different ways. Recently, the fact that God will make a way where there seems to be none — moving mountains and parting the sea, so to speak — has been prevalent.
Tag: Life Purpose

“If your life were a sentence, how would it read? That is, if you simmered down your entire life into one short statement, just two clauses with a conjunction in the middle, what would it be?”
When I read this question in Kari Patterson’s book Sacred Mundane: How to Find Freedom, Purpose, and Joy, I immediately thought of my life purpose statement. Surely that defines me, I thought, and in many ways, it does.

We’re told all lives matter, and they certainly do. But not everyone puts to use the talents, abilities, and opportunities they’ve been given.
Down deep, everyone wants to live a life that matters. We all want to feel fulfilled. We all want to have something amazing to show for the years we’ve lived.

If you and I would meet at a party and be arbitrarily seated next to each other, chances are we’d engage in small talk. We’d ask each other questions and offer tidbits of information in an effort to get to know each other a little better. You could even say that we would seek to discover the true identity of the other.