When my mother was on her death bed, I sang to her one day when she was restless. I was comforted to see that it calmed her as she laid with her eyes closed. When I started singing the lullaby she had made up and sang to us when we were little, her eyes suddenly opened and she smiled lovingly at me. I treasure that memory!
Tag: God’s Love Page 1 of 2

I am a homeless person, of sorts. Not in the sense that I don’t have a roof over my head or people who love me. I’m homeless in the sense that while I’ve called numerous places on this planet “home,” none are places I go back to as one would go “back home.” By the time I was forty, I had called five very different geographic locations “home,” and the place I live now has never truly felt like home.

My relatively new practice of meditating on God’s promises when I can’t sleep led me the other night to wonder what all the Bible has to say about God’s love for us. The only verse I could recall in my half-awake state was John 3:16, but I knew there were many more.
The next morning, I went to Biblegateway.com and typed “love” into their search engine. The following are the many verses I found that describe God’s love for us. My prayer is that as you read through them you will see God’s heart and the amazing love He has for you, His beloved.

I’ll go where You want me to go, dear Lord,
Over mountain, or plain, or sea.
I’ll say what You want me to say, dear Lord.
I’ll be what You want me to be.

It’s been years since I’ve heard this song. But for the last number of days, I’ve been humming it over and over again. I’ve also been reading about Corrie ten Boom and Pamela Rosewell Moore, Corrie’s companion and caretaker during the last decade of her life. The lives of both these women, fully surrendered to Jesus and anything He called them to do, reminded me of this song. It inspires me to continue to surrender myself and my life to Jesus, no matter what He asks of me.

Does the Christmas Grinch threaten to steal your joy during the Christmas season? If so, there is hope!
The signs that Christmas is coming soon are all around us now. Christmas music follows us everywhere we go. Decorations line the streets and cover homes and lawns. People scurry around in stores agonizing over what gifts to buy. And the mail carrier is getting later every day as the volume of Christmas mail grows more abundant.
You may be delighting in it all or trying to ignore it all. Either way, you aren’t alone.

This morning I received an email alert from Amazon about a new book being released by a certain author. As I sat looking at that email, the Holy Spirit took me down memory lane, reminding me how He works so amazingly and intricately in our lives to bring about relationships and events we could never have planned ourselves.