Writing at the Intersection of Life & Grace

Tag: Co-heir with Jesus

Defeating the Christmas Grinch

How Jesus Defeated the Christmas Grinch

Does the Christmas Grinch threaten to steal your joy during the Christmas season? If so, there is hope!

The signs that Christmas is coming soon are all around us now. Christmas music follows us everywhere we go. Decorations line the streets and cover homes and lawns. People scurry around in stores agonizing over what gifts to buy. And the mail carrier is getting later every day as the volume of  Christmas mail grows more abundant.

You may be delighting in it all or trying to ignore it all. Either way, you aren’t alone.

Our true identity in belonging to Jesus

Identifying Our Key Relationship

My nephew’s wedding was beautiful. He and his bride planned a meaningful and memorable ceremony demonstrating Christ’s love for us, His Bride, and His future return to take us Home with Him. As a result, those of us in attendance were encouraged to focus on Christ as our key relationship.

Our inheritance and identity in Jesus Christ as His bride

A Royal Wedding

As I was watching the British royal wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle, an American citizen, I was struck by the significance of the prince’s vow to his non-royal bride: “all that I am I give to you, and all that I have I share with you.”

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